Welcome Back Wildcat! — A TEDxACU Talk Brings me Back to ACU
I am so excited to announce that this year, 3 days after World Down syndrome Day, I have been invited to give a TEDxACU presentation at Abilene Christian University! When it comes to campus affiliations, I
might have a little bit of an identity crisis. I’m a fightin’ Texas Aggie (twice baked, class of ’01 and ’14 from the Department of Comm) and a Southern Methodist University Mustang (I’m currently on faculty in the Department of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs), and I’m part ACU Wildcat! I graduated with my MA in Communication from ACU back in December of 2003. Arguably, ACU gave me my wings. I was NOT a seasoned speaker, teacher, or scholar when I entered the program as a graduate assistant in 2002. But when I earned my hood and diploma….I began to soar, thanks to the mentorship, friendship, and instruction I received from the incredible faculty and staff in the Department of Comm! I can’t wait to return to my alma mater and see the campus once again. It’s been more than 10 years since I’ve been to Wildcat country and for those of you who have never visited the Abilene area, there is one thing you shouldn’t miss if you do — the food! Seriously, if you’re into BBQ, steak, and good old fashioned home-cookin’ (Texas style), you can’t beat the selection in Abilene, TX. Perini Ranch, Bee Hive, Hickory Street Cafe, Homeplace, Harold’s Pit BBQ (tragically, now closed), and Jo Allen’s, are just a few of my old haunts. Aside from food, however (lol!), I am also thrilled to be speaking about something else that I hold very near and dear to my heart — “next” conversations about Down syndrome. I think WDSD 2017 might be a low key event around our house this year, because mama’s gonna be preppin’ for a big talk (and some big eatin’)! And I may have to pack up the fam and take them with me. The boys need a true ACU/Abilene experience. I may cry a little on the inside when Everett chooses a PB&J over a nice kids entree at Perini Ranch though. Food aside, here’s a little sneak preview of what the TEDxACU talk will be about. Continue reading Sneak Preview of TEDxACU