Like many parents, as I walk through this journey of parenthood, I turn to a few sources when I have questions. Most of the time, the question dictates the source. For instance, if I have a question like, “How do I get my kids to …
Thyroid Ragin’ or Threenager syndrome? It all began early last summer, right as Everett turned 3-years-old. Everett was making huge strides in his preschool class at end of term. He was trying to run & jump, was saying a few words, and was very engaged …
I’d like to take a moment to introduce you to my friend, Jen Jacob, who has graciously offered to contribute the first Mom Hack Monday entry on! But of course, as usual, a little context first…
Click here to register for the 2017 Rockin’ moms Retreat in Chicago!
While I was pregnant with Everett, I did what a lot of expecting moms of that time did…I joined a birth club on is a great set of online resources for expecting moms that includes daily updates on the size of your growing baby (from poppyseed to pumpkin), information about what to expect during pregnancy and delivery, and a lot of resources dedicated to helping new moms oversee the growth and development of their baby after the baby is born. One such resource is the aforementioned “birth clubs.” Everett’s due date was June 26th, 2013, so I joined the June 2013 birth club. Well, as it turns out, Everett was born in May (not June) with 47 chromosomes (as opposed to the typical 46). So I abandoned ship by dropping the June 2013 birth club and joined the “Down syndrome” community group offered Babycenter. I remember one day, one of the active moms of the group advertised a moms’ group on Facebook that we could join. Specifically, we were encouraged to join a mom’s group relevant to the year our child was born….birth clubs for moms with babies with DS, woo hoo & bravo!!! These groups were called “Rockin’ moms groups,” and I immediately joined the 2013 group. Jen Jacob was the admin of the group and instantly introduced me to the other moms/members by virtue of a welcome post! I was inundated with positive messages, welcome statements, and a plethora of photos of other children Everett’s age who happened to have Down syndrome. Simply put, it was incredible! I could relate to these moms and their sweet babies, and I felt like I had a safe place to vent, brag, and pose questions about my child with Down syndrome….with no judgment.
Some context…the Kinderfrogs KTPA Fundraiser – 2016 I have a little bit of a crush. Actually, it’s a bit more than just a crush. Back in the summer of 2013, I fell in love. I was head over heels for a little newborn baby named …