Confessions of a Rockin mom #18: Fears related to growth patterns

Looking back, I had an early fear that quite frankly was a little ridiculous. After Everett was born, I immersed myself in any and all research related to Down syndrome. I learned quickly that kiddos with DS often are shorter and smaller than their typically developing peers. I was very concerned about this because I felt like it was just another characteristic that would make him stand out in a negative way. This fear was magnified when I learned there was a separate growth chart for kids with DS because of their smaller stature.
Well, as it turns out, this particular growth chart was not helpful in tracking Everett’s growth. He was “off the charts” huge! We track him now on the typically developing growth chart and he’s pretty average in height…but has hit the 80th percentile in weight a couple of times ?. Just goes to show you, people with DS come in all shapes and sizes just like the rest of us. But I’ll have to confess, no matter how big he gets…he’ll always be mommy’s “little man.”