Some context…the Kinderfrogs KTPA Fundraiser – 2016
I have a little bit of a crush. Actually, it’s a bit more than just a crush. Back in the summer of 2013, I fell in love. I was head over heels for a little newborn baby named Everett Michael, but as a new mama with a new baby, with a new diagnosis, I was very worried about his future. And then, I fell in love again. But this time I fell in love with a huge group of people – the Kinderfrogs community. At first, I fell in love with the director (in case you didn’t know, Marilyn, lol!). Then I fell in love with the faculty and staff.
And shortly after that, I fell in love with every kid enrolled at Kinderfrogs and their families. I guess it’s safe to say, by virtue of the introductory language in this blog post, that I have a deep and unyielding love for my child’s preschool and everyone involved in shaping that preschool into what it is today. In fact, this love is so pure that when asked to give a speech about “What Kinderfrogs Means to Me” last spring….I gushed. So, since my second-born began his first day in the Toddler class today (Everett is now in the Pre-K class…he big boy), I feel compelled to profess my unending and undying love for Kinderfrogs in today’s blog post. The following is the speech I delivered last year at the KTPA Fundraiser (2016), where parents, faculty, and staff hosted an annual event that raised monies for Kinderfrogs! A great deal of the money we raised provided instructional resources and scholarships for our kiddos with DS. So, there is a “call to action” at the end of this speech/blog entry. If you are so inclined to give, I’ve included a link at the end. And if you are interested in this year’s fundrasier, the above graphic is our 2017 save-the-date! Continue reading Ode to Kinderfrogs