Confessions of a Rockin mom #11: Fears about never feeling like a “real” parent
Vic and I waited so long to be parents. All we wanted to do was be mom & dad to a sweet baby and join in on conversations about parenthood. Shortly after E was born, I recall hearing a few healthcare workers refer to him as the “Downs baby.” I realized right then, Vic & I would be a part of a different conversation about parenting. I was so afraid in those moments, that we’d never feel like “normal” parents. This fear was very unwarranted. Take a look at this photo — two parents EXHAUSTED from a having a new baby who isn’t sleeping through the night yet. Doesn’t get any closer to “normal” parenthood than that, does it? And three years in, I can assure you that Everett is more alike than different than his typical peers. And we face “normal” challenges associated with raising both of our children. Side bonus? We are now a part of an extended community filled with families of individuals with DS, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world! Love my Kinderfrogs community, my Rockin moms, and the DSPNT!