Confessions of a Rockin mom #15: Fear of inclusion in bible class
Bible class is a big deal to us, especially for our children. I have the greatest memories of bible class, VBS, youth group activities & church camps, from when I was growing up. I’ve always hoped and prayed that both of my children would build similar memories as they grow in their relationships with God. Early on after “the diagnosis,” I remember being afraid that Everett would struggle to be included in bible class and other church activities. This fear was definitely unwarranted. Each week in bible class Everett is fully included and participative in EVERY church activity. He prays, learns memory verses with his teacher and friends, enjoys the puppet shows, and always walks away with an interactive art project he worked on that reflects a weekly bible story theme. I have no doubt no…no doubt…that he will grow in building relationships with his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as he worships God just like everyone else in our congregation. Especially in building those relationships with his female classmates ?.