Confessions of a Rockin mom #17: Fears related therapies

I get a lot of praise from others who describe me as a stellar parent, which means a lot to me (thank you to those who have said that). Being a good parent falls right under living a Christ-like life, in my book. But I’ll have to confess…I get a lot of help. Because it takes Everett a little longer than his typical peers to meet basic milestones like crawling, walking, talking, self-dressing, etc., he receives a lot of assistance from specialists who teach him physical, gross motor, speech, and adaptive skills. Or shall I say — WE receive help with these things. You see, I am not trained to teach Everett how to learn these things best, but his specialists and teachers are. And along the way I’ve picked up a few parenting tips & nuggets of wisdom from these people. I frequently refer to these individuals as Everett’s therapists and teachers and MY “parent coaches.”
I honestly don’t know how parents of typically developing kiddos figure it out without help from specialists! I remember before Everett’s very first occupational therapy session (my entrance into the therapy world), I was petrified of what his specialist would say about him. I was petrified when ECI visited our house for the first time, and I was so worried about how Everett would do at Kinderfrogs. Fast forward to current times…and I still miss those old days at Cook Children’s (private therapy), my “parent coaches” at ECI, and I actually cried when Everett graduated from the Toddler class at Kinderfrogs. And I’m certain I will bawl like a baby when he eventually graduates entirely from Kinderfrogs. What am I going to do without my parent coaches?!?! Those fears concerning therapies and classes…definitely unwarranted.
To anyone who has worked to better my child through ECI, Cook Children’s, or Kinderfrogs (you know who you are!)…from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.